Wednesday 24 August 2011

Fishing off the Negritos Pier

We've been fishing off this pier a few times already. It's a large pier in the middle of the desert between two towns, with no way to get onto it except climbing up some pieces of shattered concrete and metal pipe. Only in Peru. Next time we go, I'll try to remember to get a picture of the climb onto the pier. Click the pictures for high-res.

The Pacific.

Looking north up the coast toward Talara.

Ship traffic coming out of "El Puerto" (Talara harbour).

Looking south toward Negritos.

Looking south toward Negritos. At the right you can see the Punta Parinas lighthouse. Negritos is behind the cliffs to the

Such a Peruvian place to put a deep-water pier.

Peru's northern coast is known for its sandy bluffs.

Looking across the desert toward Talara.

Fishing the traditional Peruvian way, with a line and a length of PVC tube instead of a rod.


Sunset over the Pacific.

Sunset over the Pacific.

Sunset over the Pacific.

Sunset over the Pacific.

Sunset over the Pacific.


Next: Wherever I go this weekend.

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